Who hasn’t thought about having sex with a celebrity. The entire film industry is built around making us think about it. Making us drool over them during each movie. Coming up with steamier scenes each time. Growing up, before I had porn readily accessible, I would close my eyes at night and fantasize about having sex with whomever the star of the movie we watched as a family that night happened to be. All of my friends did it too. We would talk and laugh about the wet dreams we would have.
This entire site is based around those sexy celebrities. Their library is full of the hottest sex scenes you probably beat off to as a kid. Watch them over again and relive the erection. Get these pornstar and celebrity discounts so you can save some money in the process. No more watching an entire boring movie just to get to the sex scenes. It’s quick and easy to find your favorite. With all the updates you’ll always have fresh material.