Watch XXX Movies on your TV using Roku, Boxee, Google TV or Apple TV
Right now there has never been a better time in the history of man to be a pervert. You can start enjoying thousands of porn DVDs on your home theater system or anywhere there is an internet connection. With FyreTV you are only limited by your sick and twisted imagination!
With all of the sex tapes that have surfaced in the last year you have to have heard of Vivid, the company that has been buying them and putting them all online. What if I told you that you could enjoy Vivid’s entire porn library for just 8 bucks a month?
I know it sounds too good to be true, but the way technology has been going lately nothing shocks me anymore. Watch Vivid porn DVDs online or on your TV and pick and choose which ones you want to enjoy just like you would with mainstream movies and Netflix.
See, I told you this is a perverted man’s era!